Hi. My husband is about to start is treatment w protopic...and now of course, I'm wondering if he should reconsider after reading the warnings on the package about risk of cancer/lymphoma. ugh.
Also, if he does start..what's the best way? I read somewhere that you should put it on, go out in sun for 10-15 minutes (that is what his dr recommended) and then wash it off? or do you just leave it on...then reapply a second dose later in the day?
Thanks for any suggestions you have :)
there's a lot of very interesting results about v-tar
BIG "YES". It is repigmenting. We have 4 years of hands on experience on this. Pink is good news !.
This tells us that, your husband's body is reacting. CONTINUE with what you are doing. Also, it appears that your husband is in initial stages.
Keep faith in the medicine. For example, a given small white spot could take 2 to 3 months for one person and easily, 9 months for a different person. This condition is so unpedictable. That is the main problem.
Good Luck.
Very interesting. I tried doing some research on coconut oil and vitiligo and there is not too much information on it. However, there is a lot of info on coconut oil being anti fungal and how it is used in the treatment of tinea versicolor. Is it possible he has tinea versicolor or is it definitely vitiligo?
Just curious but why did the doctor tell him to avoid alcohol is to for the vitiligo?
Hi kelly,
He went to one of the top specialists in the country on vit (Dr. Nanette Silverberg) -- and she confirmed that he definitely vit by looking at his skin under a woods lamp/light (His father also has it -- so there is a genetic connection as well!).
If you google "Vitiligo" and "coconut oil", you'll find a lot of articles about it -- not sure where you were looking. In fact, it's often the main ingredient in many of the herbal treatments, including antivitiligo oil:
http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/vitiligo.html - read one man's comment that many of the herbal remedies have coconut oil as main ingredient
From the drugs.com website "Drinking alcohol while you are using Protopic may cause your skin or face to feel hot and become flushed or red." His Dr specifically said he should avoid alcohol while taking this meds. You can google "alcohol" and "protopic" to learn more.