Protopic -- Fertility (Males/Sperm)

Does anyone have any information on the affects of using protopic 0.1% ointment and fertility (specifically male fertility)? 

My husband doesn't meet with his dermatologist for awhile, and has been using protopic for about 6 months (he uses it all over his face and a few spots on his hands). As we discuss our family and children, I'm curious if protopic would be an issue with his sperm/fertility. 


Does anyone know if you can safely try to conceive while taking protopic, or should wait to stop the drug for several months before TTC?  Any online articles you have come across, etc.  All I found doing a google search was a swedish study on rats which concluded that in rats (given high doses of 0.1%) led to reduced sperm count, problems with pre-implantation, etc = yes, fertility issues.  But of course, there are no studies in humans....and we can't ask his doctor for a few months.

Thanks in advance for any feedback/advice you can share!  :)

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