
  • I have had great success. I use it only once a day (at night) and try and combine it with sunlight or small amount of UVB. All of my Vit spots (except my fee which are 95% depig) are showing frecking, even my hands which have been depig for 30 years. I ahve been using for 3 montsh now but saw results after about 6 weeks
  • We have tremendous amount of success with Protopic.  It's our best friend now at home.


    I would say minimum 3 months of application.  Also, depends on location and age of vit.  If earlier stages (less than 6 months), good chances of success...Not so good chances for established vit. 


    U may search other discussion threads I posted over the years. 

  • Yes !!! I applied Protopic for vitiligo on my face - and some of it turned brown again !!!
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