Please post ONLY WHAT WORKED for you, and ONLY if you had significant success.

Share ONLY what worked to restore lost pigment, and where to get it, how it was applied/administered and how long it took.  Kindly preface your post with an asterisk or double asterisk if you have had complete re-pigmentation with your solution.

Thank you!


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  • You're not alone, Ja Mad.  You're with others here who have experienced a journey of "books, crooks, experts, creams and dreams."  At least I have.  I'm 55 and have Vitiligo, still, after lots of trial and error.

    I look for threads like this to discover success that others would share.  A true measure would be a posting replete with photos of repigmentation of difficult areas like hands and would offer duration/longevity of that success.

    • I have tried all remedies for last 10-20 years the 8-10 years I tried hard all possible treatments as Ja mad say it Works for some moment in some spots and fade away. but now finnaly it looks like as I maneged to repig by combining different treatments... I will explain soon ...when 100% color match comes ..

      It is possible to treat vitiligo, Cure is not yet.

      Merry X-mas

      • Bamsegutt, if you would PM me with information you will share, I'd appreciate it.



  • Hi Tom. It will be interesting to see responses.

    I've had vitíligo for 15 years (I'm 58) and tried every single treatment available.  They all seem hopefull for some weeks, but those little red marks that form and look promising for a while, eventually disapear and the White patches keep growing.

  • Thanks, Esteban.  I am inspired by you and others here, and I am grateful to our host for creating and providing the resources.

    I appreciate your willingness to share your success and what worked for you.  It's encouraging.

  • I wish bro there was a cure I look at this site and a few others from time to time I used to be on forums like this ever since the internet started well for me at least, any I have not found a cure yet.

  • Isn't this thread sort of the bottom line, folks?  That is, the present conclusion of where we are in terms of a cure?

    I'm about to get backlash for negativity, I realize, but isn't that what we all came here for initially -- to determine a cure?

    Camaraderie and compassion concurrently, of course.

  • Protopic has worked for me really well on my face.

    I try and use it at least one a day but I miss lots of days.

    It worked wonders on my face

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