Pls share what works

I think what I am seeing here is what i went thru all these years..

1)Trying to find a cause by going back in time..analysing it in detail when we cannot change the past..

2)People stuck in the "I cant believe it is happening to me" phase..

3)changing treatments before a year or not following the course because we meet other "normal" people who tell us that nothing works in this illness or something work better... when your skin turns pink, pls continue whatever you are doing... dont give up... I did and know that I am responsible for thinking that the problem will just go away on its own.. it does not like any chronic illness... Pls persevere..

4)depression - where we avoid people though not all of them are judging us all the time since most people have their own mental demons

I would urge people here to tell others what works in healing - in terms of diet, mediation, attitude.. Pls also remember that one size does not fit all - according to Ayurveda people are divided into six body types and treatment has to be from within and without.

So please post whatever has worked for you. Let us move forward...

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  • Yes, I agree. and the malabsorption is due to the damage to the small intestine cause by gluten. Probiotics may help too. Its so hard to know what works for sure and for long term.

  • i have severaltheories based on my 12 yrs of vitiligo history and my sons recent development...

    gluten free diet helped us along with b12 vitamins and folic acid... i stopped taking the vitamins and got some new spots on my hand.. the areas where i got depigmented were also very dry and itchy... my son got new spits in places where his skin gets very drynlike his kneews and elbows..see any connectuon?

    • i am thinking of this too... it seems to go back always to B12. I am thinking of starting it.. the issue i think is coming down to a problem with digestion, followed by malabsorption of vitamins...

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