Please help on - Sunless Tanner Shade color :) :)

I watched a Video recently and was super excited and happy that sunless tanner can do wonder :

In the video kris is completely white (don't think he has vitiligo) but still he got good color.

So i started looking out for sunless tanner which could help in my vit ..The areas am planning to color are palms/soles ,hand and feet finger tips .

I am looking for sunless tanner which will match my skin tone/shade ( For reference am attaching pic to show the tone i am looking for ) ps. note:- This is not my pic , i have used for skin tone shade i am planning to have.

Could You please help :) :)   which brand and shade color i should opt for ?? ..please see attached pic and kindly suggest :) :)

ps. its important and urgent . Thanks!!!

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  • I use a gradual tanner so I can monitor how tan my skin gets. I use Copper Tone Gradual Tan. Another one that is supposed to be good is Neutrogena Build-A-Tan. St. Tropez is also supposed to be a really great brand but it's kind of pricey. What I did was look at for product reviews. I just Copper Tone because it is supposed to be less orangey. Best of luck to you!

  • Hi looking for more inputs , if anyone knows how to camouflage palms and soles via sunless tanner or other way , please do lemme know anything which makes it look natural tone wud be great. Thanks

  • I usually just apply the sunless tanner everywhere.  I do Mystic Tan quite frequently.  I have light skin coloring and I do the medium and I add the hyper tan in there.  I also use Fake Bake at home.  Air Stocking is a camouflage spray that I use for areas when I have not used a sunless tanner to cover spots. I get it on ebay or amazon in Natural. I really like the way all of these work. It is not perfect but nothing will be just darkens it to better match your skin tone!  Hope this helps! :)

    • Hi HAL for palms and soles if u use something specific please lemme know of these prod. That's the maximum vit that visible and i have . Trying to find a decent camouflage or color for that.

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