
Hi, I am new here, I am a doctor (radiologist), I have vitiligo and it is spreading nowadays, I haven't tried any treatment until this year. Recently I have started to use a herbal drug called pigmentis.

Do you have any experience about it?

Do you know any beneficial drug or method?

Do you know a doctor or herbalist who is experienced about vitiligo in Turkey?

Best regards

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  • Aleykum selam
    Thank you
    Best regards
    • My pleasure to share ....


      Fatime Zohra

  • Salam u alikum, ya Muammer, 

    I have read your message with a lot of interest.

    I have made  PUVATERAPIA with meladidin pills three times per week at a skin doctor office, the first one was in 1986/1987, the second was in 1998 and the last one in 2004/2005. It has worked, before I was about 30 % about viti on my body and my face, now I have about 10 % of viti. Now, in Europe they use UBV Narrowband with PROTOPIC but I never tried them. 

    The unique treatment working  for me is to sunbath with sun protection between 30 and 50 because even my skin is white olive, I tan very easily but I live near Paris, and it is a real problem for me, there is no sun expect between June and August. 

    Now, I have vit around my eyes, my mouth, my neck, my elbows, some patches on my body, and it has started spreading on my left hand since this year, I think because of stress, but I try to accept my viti now since I subscribed in this site VITILIGO FRIENDS. I put make-up on my face every day because it is noticeable.

    I hope to have the opportunity to chat with you one day at night.


    • Aleykum salam, thank you for your comments

      • Dear Muammer, 

        I also did UVB TL01 therapy during 9 months and had vitamin supplement BEFACT FORTE vit. B AND SELENIUM A C E. It worked well and small spots disappeared but not in my hands and feet/elbows.

        It was in 2002 and now in 2012 still increasing, when I top UVB TL01 it comes back and increases again.

        tDoctor said it was linked to my vaccine for allergies and hypothyroidism.... when you have viti, it seems that you have other autoimmune diseases.....

        I tried Protopic but stopped it because it can cause skin cancer. I also tried DAIVONEX but it was not positive for me my viti increased and my dermato asked me to stop....

        I am now taking once a day PABA (omega3) and my visit to dermato is scheduled in mid September, will keep you informed via my page.

        Take care. Fatime Zohra from Brussels/Belgium.

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