Over the past couple of years, my vitiligo has become pretty bad on the face especially around the lips and under my chin.

For the past couple of months I have been

1) applying a generous amount of Protopic to the vitiligo on my face 1 to 2 times daily usually at night time after work.

2) taking vitamin B

3) shining a narrowband UV lightwand every other day for around 30 seconds.  

After around 1 1/2 months, freckles of pigment began to return to the vitiligo on my face.  Around 50% of the spots on my face have filled in with pigment and are continuing to fill in.

UPDATE: August 25th 2012

For the past few weeks I have stopped applying protopic ointment, and more importantly increased light exposure to 30 seconds once daily first thing in the morning.

Around 95% of the vitiligo on my face has repigmented.

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  • I use pro topic and the UVB wand to repigment also. It doesn't seem to work on my wrists or feet, but any thick skin area it does. I completely repigment spots on my legs, of course new ones pop up but it does repigment new spots, just not my older spots.
    • Hi Michelle, how often do you apply the protopic ? also how much uvb narrowband light exposure are you getting ?

      I personally have been applying protopic for 2 weeks and using a uvb narrowband light for 20 secs every other day....also changed my diet and taking a whole bunch of vitamins. I am only treating my face, the rest of my vits is hands and feet, which don't bother me too much.

      • I get flares so when I see a spot is changing I apply the pro topic, immediately do a light treatment. I stArt with 30 seconds, unless it is winter and my skin is super white, then I start with 15 seconds. The next day I look at the spot, if it isn't pink I add another 15 seconds, I keep doing this , checking 24 hours later adding 15 seconds until the white patch is is eventually light pink or blanches when I press on it, , once it turns pink I don't add any more time to the session, I just continue the sessions until it repigments.
        So in theory I don't treat all my spots the same, some get longer light than others.
        I'd say try to repigment everything because once it gets out of control, there is no coming back, for me at least, it just gets bigger and bigger. I wish I had done my foot very early on, but it didn't really bother me.
  • Hi Dj, how is it going with the repig ? I personally have just started applying protopic daily, and using a narrowband uvb every other day. I have also changed my diet radically & taking a whole bunch of vitamins.

    I would be very grateful to hear about your experience with Protopic & light. Did it last ? are you still applying it ?

    Best wishes


  • I just started to get same treatment, for 1,5 weeks. I am gonna share about the progress.

  • We have a nice, used UVBioTek Model 800B(NB) for sale...$2,250 or best offer.  (Originally sold for $4,995)

    It is an attractive, 8-lamp, full-length, wall-mounted unit.  User opens the panels and stands inside during treatment.

    It has less than 4 hours useage on the lamps.  Lamps are good for 500+ hours.

    While using it our daughter experienced significant repigmentation.  She has plans to travel and no longer wants to use it.

    We live in Virginia and a buyer would need to come pick it up.   Purchaser would need to provide copy of MD's written prescription.

    • Hey DJ  ..sad it fade away but it is normal all phototherapy repig is not permanent when you take a break it start ro depig.... next time you want to stop UVB treatment ..have to reduce gradually it may help , the other problem is UVB treatment is not advised for longer period  treatment in high doze ...That is why it should be followed by derm...keep trying and good luck! ,for some ppl it stays permanent in some degree.


  • Hiya, how much is the narrowband uv lightwand and also  is the vitiligo around the whole area of your lips??

  • Hi DJ I ordered narrowband UV lightwand. I want to know how do you use it and how often and for how long should I be using that? My vitilgo is mainly on my right side back and my left side butt... I need your advice on how to use this thing.



    • Some areas require longer exposures than others.  I know that my face and chest is the most sensitive and will sun burn if I shine the light for more than 1 minute.  In contrast, my hands are much more tolerant to the light than my face.  When you are just starting out, I recommend shining the light on a patch for maybe 20 seconds and work your way up from there.  You will get a feeling for how long to shine the light based on how pink your skin is the following day.

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