PAUSE in UVB treatment

Hi friends ...I am on UVB light treatment from 7 months and my doc suggested that to stop using UVB after one year. She told me that to discontinue the light for few months, is it true do I need to stop the UVB for a while, Please suggest me.....

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  • Hi,because people react differently and not everyone responds the same,you should ask your Dermatologist why they're suggesting a break.It may be because of national guidelines they have to follow for UV based treatments or they may want to assess whether the pigmentation you've gained can be maintained without the extra UV. Some people start depigmenting quite rapidly once they stop UV based treatments. Don't be afraid to ask. Good luck.x
    • I have an appointment with dermatologist tomorrow, il find it out

      And thank you so much

  • 7 months is too long.  If you do not see any improvements you should have quit,

    were you taking anything with UV treatment?.

    • actually untill 6th month i took uvb under doctor supervision... later on i bought my own uvb, i found very less response on ' tips and lips '

      • Skin thickens as a response to UV.  So You get less and less benefit from it.  It takes approximately 2 months for skin to come back to its normals.  So decide what to do.  You can go with protopic for some time knowing the fact that it leads to skin thinning.  Know yourself and alternate for better response.  However, also beaware that (VERY IMPORTANT) if you do not have resources necessary, UV put extra pressure onto your skin and harm it.   

        • oh thank you so much for the info

          Il consult my doctor and take necessary advice

  • They always say that, however every time I've stopped it came back. Then it would take another six months, three times a week to get my pigment back. Some doctors say one day a week as maintenance. There is no cases of skin cancer, and I've known people who have done it 10+ years.

    • the best was 80%, but the vit came back.
    • I did full body, and worked up to 10 min
    • how many minutes every spot? or how many seconds?  is your vit treated? how many percent?

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