
I am feeling like I am drowning! I am in my last year of college and everything is becoming really heavy. I work full time, and attend class part time, because I am expected to graduate this fall. I work 34-36 hours a week and I have 9 hours worth of classes with assignments and home work and readings. I barely make enough to pay my rent, but  I do, however, between my rent, my utilities  my tuition from school from out of my pocket. I owe 1033.35 to my university before I can enroll this fall. I do have a payment arrangement but I was not able to make my first payment of 272.12 by 3/18/2013 because of other bills I had to take care of. SO I have rationalized that is okay but I the late fee is only 10 dollars.  I figure when I get my tax refund back It will be okay, but then I received an email today about my lights being disconnected for late payment  man I have being using extensions since I moved into this apartment...It seems I can not get ahead. I only had $50 in my account to last me until next week's pay period and I made the decision to use my account and accept responsibility for the overdraft fees. I owed entergy 107.31...so I paid some kind of way. Now I have about a little less than a half of tank of gas to last me until next week when I get paid...my hours are sucky this month because when school started I need my schedule changed and instead of my manager adjusting my schedule around my class hours, she blew me off b/c she had other priority responsiblities and she told me to just come in after my classes and she wouldnt hold me accountable for the tardiness which that could ultimately cost me my job, but now the instruction she gave me is biting me in the butt because I cannot afford my bills this month and into the next. I don't expect any handouts from anybody on here, I just needed to vent, because I literally want to breakdown and cry in this lab. I am stronger than this and I know this too shall pass and I know that someone somewhere else has it so much worse than me...but right now...I just want to cry and wish someone had my shoulders who really, I mean really loved me....I cannot and I wont give up in school because I have to graduate! I have been through so much in the last five years and I cannot afford to back track and lose what I have gained so far...but I'd be lying through my teeth If i didnt admit to someone this sucks, and I feel overwhelmed. Thanks for letting me vent this out.

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  • What an incredible person you are. Whatever you do, don't give up you studies. No matter how hard, it will be worth it. Try and stay strong.
    • Thank you Manuela!! I appreciate your response...I am determined and I will continue despite the odds...:) You guys have help to encourage me..I think I just need to vent

  • Just remember to breath!

    • thank you Lawrence! I took a moment and took a breathe and I know I'm going to be alright....

      • your welcome. I just recently finished school while working full time, it was the hardest thing I've ever done both physically and mentally. It was worth it.

        • wow. I needed to hear that encouragement and knowing that you have been there and you comepleted provides me with a little more ammunition to continue what i'm doing. It is very draining, mentally and physically....and I am glad to hear you say "IT WAS WORTH IT" :)

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