Outbreak After Staying Up?

Does anyone else get an outbreak if they stay up really late? I stayed up until 5-6 in the morning and found a white spot on my lip. I think my body reads staying up as stress, and we all know how stress can be a trigger.

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  • Can't say I noticed anything overnight like that.
  • I amazed that you saw a spot appear that quick! Mine have always been slow to appear but consistent, mine would appear usually a couple of weeks after an incident. Mine tend to be after I scar in some sort of way though, bruising, scratches. I do remember gaining quite a few spots during college and all the late nights and stress, but with so many factors I'm not sure it could just be the lack of sleep. But we can't be completely stress free ever, life wouldn't be interesting!
  • I think its not the time of day or night that matters . Its how much rest your body gets. If you are pushing your body to stay up late after being up all day and it needs rest you will be stressing your body. Our body is just like a machine you keep working it with out breaks in between and it will break down on you in time.
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