Our Gift to the World

We have a gift! A gift you say.......really? Yes a gift! I know we all are from different backgrounds and religions but I believe we all agree with making this world a better place. We can dramatically aid in that process. I'll admit that vitiligo has never and doesn't bother me. That is not to say that there weren't times in my life I wish I didn't have it ( not because of others but because I wanted to look a certain way. The same as me wishing that my arms weren't the first to gain and last to lose weight, but it's genetic). I have always been outspoken and comfortable in my own skin. I have and will continue to live life to the fullest while I share myself with the world. I believe once you accept your reality then the sky is the limit. There will always be someone looking at you if that is what you care about but that could be for many reasons. Some might think you dress weird or your hair is a mess, some might be looking because they think you are stunning and lack the confidence to tell you this or love the dress/tie you are wearing. My point being, you never know why, you may think you do but really most of the times you don't or people don't even care. Why should you care? Some might think after reading this that I must live in my one little bubble and maybe I do but what I know for sure is that everyone I might also comes to live with me in that bubble. Many of my friends don't see my vitiligo anymore when they see me. They all said they noticed, of course, when they first met me but within 15 minutes they no longer noticed ever again unless I or someone else pointed it out. Okay on to our gift.......... I have taught many that color doesn't matter, taught them to see the person not the circumstance, taught children it's okay to be curious and question then decide whether it matters anymore, taught my children to advocate for those who are different and can't defend themselves against others who prey on them only because they can. I have also taught others to open there minds and move beyond tolerence of others who believe or look different than them. I live in faith and God has blessed me beyond belief. I know most people want what I want for our families and sometimes act out in fear or lack of knowledge but come around after their defenses are down. This gift is not just mine but ours to share. Don't hide from the day, worry beyond belief or think of yourself or your child as the one with Vitiligo. You are you first! A mother, father, wife, son, brother, man, woman, friend, doctor, accountant etc........not vitiligo! Live like it! I don't pretend it will be easy for everyone but things worth having never are!

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  • I admire you for the inspiration.  I have had vitiligo for over 40 years and to this day I strugle with it.  I now have a grandson you has segmented vitiligo and he is 8 yrs old. I want him to feel good about himself in his own skin. My daughter (hismon) has always told me just think the diagnosis could always be worse you can live with vitiligo for a very long and healthy life time.

  • Really Inspirational :) Hats off :)

  • hey! i really enjoy your words ;)

    In 6 years, I always was ashamed because of my Vitiligo, But the "real world"  is as you said. You will always be looked either by dress or appearance. So... my life become better(and my vitiligo decreased) when I stopped worrying about this...

    • So glad to hear this!
  • Really inspirational

    • Thanks Danny!
  • I have to admit Ayasha, although I have it since 2001 I still lack the confidence you have facing looks from strangers that you've mentioned. I am sure that this well written piece speaks about my own feelings and for others.

    It describes exactly the way I feel when people on street smile and giggle when they look at my pinky-lips. However, as you mentioned they maybe staring for other reseons, but because I/we are over sensitive due to our condition, such looks make us uncomfortable.

    As much as I like your accurate way of expresseing feelings of many of us, I feel more convinced that I should lose this over sensitivity towards the way people look at me; or just live with it.

    I suppose knowing that you are not alone in this situation would ease it up..great article..thanks for it :) 

    • Live Shyguy! Stare at yourself in the mirror for as long as it takes to see the real you. The you that people who already love you see. The you that you want everyone you meet to see! Remember this is not done in a day and work on it. Why? Because you are worth it!
  • this is amazing, thank you for sharing it...


    • Thank you Tina!
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