Oral steroids for vitiligo

Dear friends, I was diagnosed with bit about 2 months ago. The spots appeared on my fingertips, elbow and base of fingers. They were small spots but I could see the numbers increasing everyday. I was worried and very despondent. I met with 4 top dermatologists and three of them said that we will have to wait and watch if it grows etc and they gave me topical creams to minimise existing spots. The 4th doc gave me a lot of hope! I want to share this with all of u so that u can do research online and ask ur docs about it. There is something called as oral mini pulse therapy which involves giving steroid in very low doses twice a week....the dose is so low that it does not have side effects. Also steroids suppress the immune system so vitiligo stops spreading in most people. This therapy with immunosuppressants for 4 years can prevent recurrence of vitiligo. Pls read about it and ask ur docs. It also helps in repigmentation in a large number of ppl...even kids. I am still to figure out why is it not bein largely used as a treatment given its high success rates. After I have started this two weeks ago my new spots have not come. All the best...let me know if u have any questions.

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  • actually i was diagnosed with spots on both elbows,knees,and two huge ones on my back. The doc asked me about my parental history. That is if one of my parent has suffered from asthama. And as a matter of fact my mom suffers. Actually he is an allopathic doc but he prescribed me some ayurvedic medicines likes Bonza Strong lotion, and pigmento tablets. So far my hand and knee spots are gone and the back one is reduced to one.
    • Do asthama and Vitiligo have some corelation ?

      Just curious..

      iv gotta know till now vit is caused by stress, some med reaction/flu shot , sunburn, diet/toxins , some autoimmune ( diabetes, thyroid , anemia etc) ... and is asthama now also included !!  any1 know of other reason too ..please add ..shesh list is growing....

      • lolzzzz...........simply leave counting...... :) the list will be too large. I read somewhere that hair dye can cause vit. ;).........about asthama i cudnt find any proof for that. I too am medical student so i tried find out from my professors bt they even cudnt find any relation. Bt i think i would accept the corelation because he is best in business and so far his mathematics for me has been correct........
  • hiii aishna

    i've  been taking  the same treatment as u hav mentioned since the last 2 yrs ........the results hav been quite satisfactory  so far ......................steroids proved very effective in arresting the progression of vitiligo nd as of now i hav been able to attain a substantial amount of pigmentation.........steroid tablets hav so far not given any sideeffect but levamisole makes me feel nauseated......i am going to stop it(levamisole) from this month if my doctor permits because the nausea it gives in ,at times becomes unbearable.............

    I am totally in agreement wid u dat this treatment proves fruitful if started at the very initial stage of vitiligo..............

  • Hi Aishna... try Ayurveda... it works with the root cause of the problem and not the surface.. My prob started like you 10 yrs ago and I tried Ayurveda.. The skin started turning pink but I could not stick to the diet of no sour, no citrus and no non-veg and stopped when things were changing. rest is history... the patches spread when stressed -

    thought they would go away on their own but did not.. now back to Ayurveda and also the diet... dont give up... my doc says if I persevere, especially with the diet, it will take six to eight months... Pls also listen to soothing music to relax... Meditation also helps a great deal...

    • Thank you for sharing this topic ,it is very interesting, steroids are helpful if it obtaind small dose as oral mini pulse therapy

  • hi aishna i am from thane..right now giving homepathy to my son..

    • rani...u can consult dr malvika kohli in mumbai....or dr j s pasricha in delhi...they are good docs...and they may help with allopathic treatment options which are proven to be effective....do try....all the best for ur son......

      • thanxs fo the information dear.

      • Oral steroid is one of the best proven treatment to arrest the spread of vitiligo, even possible repigmention . There are two type of ways of treatments ..

        1st type treatment  is taken only for one month you start 20 mg pr day for 4 days and decrease the dose to 5.mg pr day it is Predisolone

         2nd way is 2 days a week .. all doctors have there way it varies the amount they allow and for how long you used it.


        Most western doctors they don`t want to prescribe it  for vitiligo due to the long term usage side effects.Most of the time you have to ask your self to your doctor that you want to try it other wise Europian doctors dont want to give there peatents


        It is very interesting if all share your experience with oral steroids.

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