My almost 9 year ild son has extensive vitiligo plus Hashimotos.  His dermatologist suggested, today, that we stop NUVB treatments for the summer (he has had some success on his trunk/upper body, not much on legs). Just wondering if there are any thoughts on this.  We will continue with elidel 2/day.

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  • I would think his exposure to the sun in the summer will give him enough of the good rays, that he wont miss anything by not getting NUVB treatment.  I am interested to hear what other think though.

    • yes I agree I substitute the UVB with the sun when I can as I think it works better as long as you don't burn and then I use UVB when we have rubbish weather....which is quite often in UK!!!

  • Sorry for the typos as I sent this from my iPhone while kids were talking in my ear and I couldn't go back to edit.
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