Hi everyone,

As promised some time ago, we are continuing our public education work with vitiligo, this time with a new video focused on misconceptions and myths. See http://www.clinuvel.com/en/news/webcasts/item/4742-understanding-vitiligo-misconception-myth or our YouTube channel to view.

As always, I welcome your feedback on this latest project.


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  • I enjoyed the video. However, I feel that we don't know everything about Vitiligo, so it's impossible to be so definitive about what doesn't cause the disease . I'm glad that this video was made though. Thank you for raising awareness.

  • Thank you for sharing.  I really enjoy watching clinuvel's videos.  I found this topic about misconceptions and myths interesting.  Also, I am happy that clinuvel is researching answers to vitiligo's mysteries.

    • Thanks DJ, we really appreciate the feedback

      - Lachlan

  • Thanks for sharing,I have a couple of questions

    Video say the scientific research has shown vitiligo is caused by melanocyte destruction and show that the melanocyte disappearance, there are so many theories saying  the failer  is not known if it is in the melanocytes , keratinocytes  or the pathway some even say the melanocytes are still there but they are just dormant that is why we repigment by UVB and other treatments.

    Can you please find out if the scientific research show that melanocytes are really absent in a vitiligo spots? I just want to know for shore-

    On the triggering factors of vitiligo  what is the 5th one which is at 4min 20 sec. Is it SAVIOR'S SUNBURN?

    • Hi Bamsegutt,

      It is generally accepted that melanocytes are absent or defective in vitiligo but it's true that the cause is not known. NB-UVB stimulates melanocyte stem cells in the hair follicle (this was something we looked at in a previous video on NB-UVB and melanocyte migration). From Grimes, P (2005). New Insights and New Theapies in Vitiligo. JAMA. 293(6):730-5:

      Histologically, the predominant finding in the depigmented areas of vitiligo is an absence of epidermal melanocytes... The precise cause of the loss of these epidermal melanocytes is unknown.

      The fifth factor listed is 'severe sunburn'.

      • Thank you for your replay, we hope to hear the test result soon.

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