New to this

So I'm new to this and I mainly joined because obviously I have vitiligo and I just got into high school and now it's spreading like crazy. Also, I feel insecure about mine and coming on here and seeing everyone accepted for it really helps :)

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  • Stay confident! Even if you don't feel it. Confidence is way more attractive than skin tone! Make sure you excel in other areas... Like school work, sports or something you enjoy. This will help with self esteem. You Are truly unique. Be proud of yourself!
  • Hi. It is sure understandable how you feel. High schoolers can be cruel, in my experience. My best friend and I were just laughing right now about a girl who was so mean to us in high school--and we are 57 years old!

    Just try to spend more time with people you really like; those are the ones who really like you!

    I'll be rooting for you.
  • Hi. Welcome to the group. It can be extremely difficult and challenging and having websites such as this one help me also. It is a constant struggle for me to make it through the day having vitiligo but it is also what makes us unique. I hope you reach out more if you have any concerns. All the best 

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