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I was diognosed with vitiligo just over a year ago the only treatment i have had is a cream that did nothing. I have noticed that slowly more patches are appearing even tho no one else notices them i am really aware that they are there. At the moment i am taking a number of vitamins that have helped a bit. Does anyone have any suggestions for treatments i can do at home???

thanks xx

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  • Search the forums for vitamins and foods to eat. What cream did you get? Was it something you ordered over the internet or did a doctor prescribe it?

  • I am also new to this site and I've had vitiligo
    Since I was 14 years now. I've tried 
    Quite a bit of things with little to no sucess. I 
    Find that stress makes it worse and spread
    More rapidly. Their is to many risk in my 
    Opinion that outweigh simply looking alittle
    Different. You are beautiful...god doesn't 
    Make mistakes, this can only make you stronger
    But good luck in your search for a cure.
  • hi holly...since u are in the initial stages of ur vitiligo the best treatment is to prevent it from spreading. Once it spreads, repigmenting is an option but it does take a lot of time.

    Preventing vitiligo is possible with very small doses of steroids and immunosuppresants (check oral mini pulse therapy online)...if ur vitiligo is bothering u i wud suggest u ask ur doc about this.

    I am on it and its helping me.

    wish u all luck

  • I've have been posting for the last few days about Ginkgo Biloba - (120mg per day + other vitamins) and the success my son has had with it. He was diagnoses 2+ years ago when he was 13 yrs old. We tried 2 topical creams but they didn't do anything for him.  If you are able to search my posts please read them- you can see what we have tried and where we are at this time. If you are unable to find them let me know.
  • home treatments I am not aware that actually work. have you visited your dermatologist? what did he say?
    • hi sorry i didn't reply. i have been to a dermatologist but i won't be seeing them again as doctor has said there is nothing that can do as my patches are not that big.

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