new mexican member

hey everybody im alex and im from mexico, im 21 years old, i love brazilian jiu jitsu and MMA and im about to be a lawyer! haha, i´m very glad that this network exist, its really awesome that all of us vitiligans stay in contact, i really dont have any friends with vitiligo and now i could meet some people that share the same thing as i do, because is really hard to try to explain to somebody how does vitiligo feels and we all know that is a unique feeling that only us can feel, i have struggled with vitiligo because i choose to, i know its hard to deal with it but i am now trying to enjoy every 24 hours, i realize that if im not accepting myself today i´ll be having a rough day and i think that beside the vitiligo my biggest problem is not being in the present, and not being in contact with myself, with help of therapists and very nice people i have met im now understanding that my vitiligo is just a sign that my emotions are all messed up and what i can do to make things better is to flow in life and to be a more spiritual person, i learned that i cant do it alone and that i need help to deal with the things that i cant control, so basically they told me that im just concentrating in the physical issue but not in the inside issue so i think that i need to take care of my emotions first in order to get well in my outside.

i hope that i meet some good people over here and im very glad that im part of this community! 

thanks for your time and VIVA MEXICO! :)

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  • Hi welcome,,,i felt gud & bad reading ur post.bad that u too are struggling like us, gud that u have taken positive abt it & trying motivate urself,,,,,take care,, god bless u

    • hi anitha! well I realized that I reached my suffering limit with my vitiligo for today haha, but I have to take that idea into my mind every 24 hours because I don't know if tomorrow I'll be here! so I only have this 24 hours to accept myself, be grateful and to enjoy life! hope you're okey and god bless u too :)
      • In India people still treat Vitiligo as a disease because of the lack of awareness and people over here wouldnt accept the things so easily.


        • hi balaji! , well i realized that i cant control what other people think or the reaction of the people when they see me, but what I can control is the way I think and the way I see things in life so when I started doing that I started to feel a lot better, for today I accepted that I have vitiligo and that today it wouldn't go away, and I think vitiligo is a disease but the skin depigmentation is only the symptom, in my case I can't control my emotions, I take everything too serious, I think everybody is watching me, I was always angry, so I think is more important to take care of my emotions first to stop wasting time being unhappy and start living, but the first thing I did was that I asked for help, hope u have a nice day balaji and take care man!
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