New Member looking for advice.


My name is Tom.

This is my first post on Vitiligo Friends forum.

A little about myself. I am a 59 year old African American who has Vitiligo for about 5 years.

Right now I have patches on my hands and chest. Never really took it much seriously until recently

I’ve notice the tiny spots increasing into patches.

I travel constantly to Thailand 6 months per year for business and vacation. Over there the heat/humidity is extremely strong. I believe there is a correlation in my increase of pigmentation patches during my time spent over there.

So this year I would (at least) like to try and fight the spread, if possible.

I plan to visit a Dermatologist after the new year and see what options are available.

What I am looking for from  members is what can I do on my own to improve my situation.

Are there over-the-counter products(cream/pills) having shown some success.

Dieting(I eat a lot of white rice in Thailand) food or drinks to avoid or include in my meals.

Any advice you can give I will appreciate.

BTW: I will begin reading through the forum's past posts.


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  • I was reading your post again and I realize that gluten might be an issue for you.    Rice might be contaminated by wheat during storage.

    You should do a food allergy test.

    In the meantime, following a gluten-free diet is a good prevention.

    • Hi Flavio.

      Have been looking online at some Glutton-free diets as a preventative measure. Choosing this approach will be a challenge but I will start eliminating protein glutton. You also mentioned rice.

      There have been rice contamination accusations at warehouses in Thailand. Maybe there is a correlation to the amount I consume there.

      In your link you also mention Untriggers & Functional cures:

      Functional Treatment includes: good diet, detox, life style change, vitamins, anti-fungals, anti-oxidants, trace nutrients, UVB-NB, topical  cream ; * all at the same time *

      Should I explore another Functional Treatment to go along with healthy eating at this time in fighting Vitiligo?

      You also mentions creams: Elidel, Protopic( Ainara suggestion) and Pseudocatalase.

      Which cream would you suggest I start with?



      • Tom,

        I know it's hard to do all together, but that's the only way to untrigger it.

        Yes.  Eating well is not enough.  Even if you avoid pesticides, hormones, transgenic etc.  It has to be very well balanced.

        First, you have to check / do:

        1- Liver 

        2- Gut Cleanse (3-day cleanse with vegetables and fruit juices only)

        3- Other auto-immune diseases 

        4- Lead detox

        5- Adrenal Fatigue

        6- Food allergies


        It's mandatory a supplementation that includes: vitamins, anti-oxidants, anti-funglas, trace nutrients, probiotics, fish-oil.

        About creams:

        -Protopic -> 2x a day for face

        -Elidel -> 1x a day other areas

        -Pseudocatalase-> 2x a day on hairy areas ( )

        UVB-NB sessions are great too!  If you need an UVB-NB Lamp, I can give one (I have one more for donation).

        Please read the following concept about oxidative stress.  It plays a big role in vitiligo:

        Oxidative stress (excess of free radicals). It's a complex concept that can be reached by many ways. The major ones are: food allergy, poor diet, leaky gut and dysbiosis (parasites, candida, h-pylori, yeast, fungus, etc.). It can be additionally caused by toxic chemical compounds and pollutants in your body, hydrogenated fats, all kinds of pollution (air, water and food), oils that have been heated to very high temperatures, cigarette smoke (directly inhaled or secondhand), dehydration, too much sugar, too much animal protein in your diet, geophysical stress (like living near power lines or waste dumps), viral infections, preservatives in your food, drugs (over the counter and prescription), artificial food colorings and flavorings, plastics and phthalates, chemical cleaning supplies, chlorinated water (that you drink, shower or swim in), alcohol, pesticides in your food, radiation exposure, psychological and emotional stress, endurance exercise and * incredibly * physical traumas (muscle damaging anaerobic training, trauma or injury to muscle, bone and skin). Oxidative stress causes defect in the membrane integrity, also causes lipid peroxidation, generates hydrogen peroxide in the skin and mutates mitochondrial DNA. All this weakens cell adhesion. NSV starts because people who are pre-disposed to have dysfunctional melanocytes, start having mutated melanocytes. Their cell adhesion becomes compromised.


  • Hello Tom,

    I think you have to talk with the dermatologist, but anyway I can say you that in my case and if starting you getting out patches in your face, you can try with one cream called protopic. I use always the patches started to get out in my face and it has had positive effect.

    From the patches from the body I haven't got anything to say you. I have them also and I haven't know any cure from that nowaday. However you can try taking Ginkgo Biloba infussion to stop the increase.



    • Hi Ainara.

      Thanks for the suggestion. I'm going to give Ginkgo Biloba infussion a try.

      Walgreens sells it online. However there are 36 variations of this product.

      (See link below).

      Can you suggest which one I should order for treating Vitiligo increases or suggest another link.



      • Hi Tom,

        I read that the best option is take 120mg Ginkgo Biloba per day. So I think the best option it would be to buy one from 60 or 80 mg. And if you prefer you can buy Ginkgo Biloba in natural, i.e. in herbal. Also, I want to say you that pills or herbal, you can buy them in any herbalist you have around you. I buy them in the herbalist I have in my town.

        I see that my english is very poor, so I'm sorry. I hope you can understand me :-)

        See you,


  • Welcome!

    I think you definitely came to the right place.  Friends will help you.

    I personally recommend you to check this recent post:

    Then, you can also read my 2 year research at:

    I hope it helps you.


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