New member, just diagnosed

Hi all-

I wanted to say "hi" as a new member of the community. I was just diagnosed with Vitiligo this week at age 37. Last year, I had a couple of spots on my hand that my family doctor treated as tinea versicolor. This year, spots reappeared once it started getting sunny out and we treated it the same way for awhile (topical and oral anti-fungals). My spots are now on both hands, a little on the front of legs, and a couple of small spots on my face.  Things have been pretty static for awhile now, but since the spots weren't darkening as they should if it were fungal, I went to a dermatologist. She told me what I already had feared - vitiligo.

Initial treatment is steroid cream and elidel on face. She also suggested wearing sunblock on my face everyday to prevent the rest of face from tanning. She also took some blood to check for thyroid issues. 

Since my appointment, I've noticed a few other spots - either they're just showing up, or I didn't notice before (or both) including a few light areas on my neck.  

I had read that emotional stress can bring it on, and unfortunately I've had a very stressful life the past year or so (lost my mom, kid diagnosed with autism, recently lost my cat). Trying to cope with stress better is high on my 'need to do' list.

My current obstacle is just dealing with this in a corporate work environment.  I was already embarrassed to let people see my spotty looking hands, and now I have to prepare for it being far more noticeable.  it doesn't help that I'm an introvert and am used to not being the center of attention.

I'm really glad I found this community where I can get advice and support.


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  • Hi Mike !!! Yes, stress can make vitiligo spread faster. Sorry to hear about the recent stressful events. Steroid cream is a good start for you. For face, I recommend Protopic (tacrolimus) ointment. You can ask your doctor about it next time. As for vitiligo and work - just act normal. If anyone asks or stares - just tell them your skin is loosing color as a result of a melanin deficiency. And tell them it is not contagious. You will find that the next day - they will not even notice your vitiligo. They have already adapted to it. Take care! 

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