New here...want to discuss treatments

Hello.  My name is Erica and new to this group.  I have had Vitiligo now for about 25 years (I am 40).  I was lucky that for most of my teens and 20's it was confined to a few spots:  ankles, knees, elbows and a few spots in underarms.  But they were small and not terribly noticeable.  Once I had children in my 30's though things got out of control.  Now at 40 I have huge spots under my arms and sides, ankles, knees, hands, hips and inner thighs.  I feel like there are new spots everyday!  It is really getting depressing and I just want to find a treatment.  I live in the US so I would need to find something here, not abroad.  My question to everyone is what are the treatments you have tried?  What has been most effective?  My dermatologist gave me a steroid cream and I am using that currently (not protopic) but not seeing any results 1 month in.  I am also supplementing with copper, PABA, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin D and going to the tanning bed.

I hate this stupid disease and feel trapped by it...can't wear any sleeveless shirts, shorts or the swimsuits I want.  Just wondering if there is any really good treatment to try, seems like little to nothing online except for the stupid expensive Vitiligo Oil and expensive supplements.  

Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this and I look forward to connecting with you all!

Take care, Erica

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