
Since 15 i've had vitiligo around my eye area. It hasnt spread since.

I've also got it on my penile area. Im not sure if this has spread a bit, i believe it might have, but not sure as not looked at this area much.

Anyway, I want to know what natural things I can put on the penile skin (as it is more noticable than my eyes I cant see eye much at all. Penile skin is dark normally so the white patches are much more noticable.

Something strange, I've noticed a few small areas where my penile skin has hyperpigmentation where it's gone darker over white patch area??

Anyways, what natural stuff to put on it to hope for repigementation? My derm didnt want to treat it yet as he says mine is autoimmune and the meds will make immune system lower and create possible other issues.


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