Narrow-band UVB

Has anyone had any luck with a at-home UVB? Where did you purchase your UVB device (either hand-held or full bed)

I've heard of UVBioTek, has anyone tried it?

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  • Well, another month+ has passed. I've been using the UVB for over two months now. Still no definite benefit yet.

    I'm hopeful that a patch on my leg that I'm treating might, possibly, be starting to shrink. I'm going to start measuring!

    I seem to have very stubborn vit though, Protopic hasn't touched it either, so don't let this put you off :)

    • 3 times a week for about 30 secs on each area. Its not an exact science with me, I just try to give each affected area about the same exposure.

      I believe its safe on any area as long as you're careful not to over expose. Start with very short treatments and build up. Oh, but avoid areas under your underwear ;)
    • When you're doing UVB treatment, if you have a lot of tiny random spots, is it still safe to do it on them? How does that work?
  • Quick update on the Dermalight 80 I've been using for almost 1 month now.

    Good news is it's easy to use, lightweight, no bad side affects or burning yet (I'm still on a dose of less than 1 minute in each area).

    I haven't noticed any improvement yet, but it has only been 1 month, so I'm still hopeful :)

    • the only thing that i see bad with my hand held light is that im to busy and doing 1minute and 30sec on each spot as i have on my arms legs and feet takes allot of time with that being said it works great and yes its going to take about two month to see improvements make sure to take photos always even if just for your self just so you can see the difference also im thinking of getting of of them walk in type can anyone recommend a good one that is around less then $2000usd and east to buy online...


  • I been using uvb I think about 7 months now not really sure maybe a little longer

    • Hello Esteban..Thanks for sharing ur result .not so many ppl do that ..they Promise to inform us and disappear...some say the result of uvb treatment is temporary if you have active vitiligo it will affect the New pigment again..some other say the repigment even continue after you stop the treatment and the result can be permanent.....Now you have done ur treatment nearlly for one year ..I guss U started march last can take a break and the result....When you stop the tratment make it gradually...dont forget to give us Your progress.

      Good Luck!

  • Just ordered a Dermalight 80 from Amazon in the UK for £180 (roughly $250).

    I'm also using Protopic (which hasn't helped at all yet after 4 months). My insurance doesn't cover vit at all, and my derm has not offered me UVB treatments on our 'free' health system (NHS) yet, so I'm taking matters into my own hands!!

    I'm very encouraged by the reports of success with these devices. Travelling to a clinic 3 times a week could mean having to change jobs for me, so it's really good news.

    Will report any progress :)

    • I stped using my uv handhelp lap just cause I got lazy I mean i use it about once every two weeks and with out any cream at all on my arms and im still seeing results 

      2013-07-02 09.16.48.jpg

      2014-01-25 04.40.08.jpg

      • That's brilliant Esteban! Thanks for sharing those pics.

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