My Vitiligo Story

Hello Friends , I am Rehan Shafiq from Karachi, Pakistan! 

The reason for joining this community is to know where do i stand in terms of vitiligo treatment!

I saw the first spot of vitiligo in march 2008 i thought its just a spot of wound which got healed ! but later on i observed that its vitiligo! Than i went to a local doctor who told me that this is a vitiligo spot and he also said that i like to tell you that your vitiligo is in early stage and you must start the treatment immediately! 

i started the treatment widout any break in medicines! but vitiligo never stopped. now after so many medicines experiment i am so dissapointed! Thanks God that i dont have any spot on my face! but 40 percent of my covered area is affected by vitiligo! 

I started PUVA for six months but in Pakistan i guess that it is also not that much effective !

But i hope that God will be kind on people like us! and there will be a cure !
And it will bring smile on our faces :)

Plz Comment if anybody have something to share! 

"To the mirror I look so often, hoping that the mask's forgotten

But its there each time I look, another chapter in my book"

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