My Vitiligo Adventure

I was diagnosed with Vitiligo in August 2006. Life was depressing when I found out what was it all about especially when I was advised "there's no cure on this". It was a tragic experience for me (well for all us).  Then I started aggressively with light therapy 3x a week plus Elidel Cream 3x a day for the next 6months. Copy for each photo light session was expensive! I also checked my lab works. Although I've seen and was told my b12 was fine, I still feel that it is borderline so I have to get more dosage of vitb12. With light therapy, Elidel cream, vitb12 and folio acid vitamins plus green tea for the next 2yrs, my vitiligo was not as aggressive when I was diagnosed. I also stopped coloring my hair as it triggers depigmentation. I have seen my patches repigmenting. Now, I don't use Elidel cream or go to light therapy visits. I just continue on taking vitamins b12 and folio acid and stop using chemicals for my body. I only go for light visit if I see some new spots and I stop it right away with high dose of light from my dermatologist clinic and apply Elidel for the next few weeks. I I feel that it slows the activity of the vitiligo when you do something on the new spots. I feel that it would help you slow down the depigmentation and make it more localized  My right upper shoulder has a big white patch and since half of it repigmented, I use some liquid foundation for cover up and it works well. I don't intend to completely hide it as I already accepted the fact. I just want to make it look more decent and not so eye-catchy.  I am excited to also hear your stories and journeys with Vitiligo! I am glad I am able to share mine! Godbless us all!    

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  • Thanks for sharing this.  Good luck, God Bless....

  • Catherine,

    Thank you for posting your awesome story!  I love reading stories like this in hearing how others deal with this, and have come to terms with it.  It certainly forces you to take control of your own health, and adopt healthier habits, doesn't it?  I have so many vitamins in my cabinet, I could open my own vitamin store!  lol!!

    • @ Tina, haha! It is all about vitamins and I agree we could put up our own vitamin store and could be an expert in vitamins ;) 
      I believe vitamins slow down the activities of vitiligo. Let's remain hopeful ;) thanks 
  • Hi Catherine,

    Welcome. I have had vitiligo for a very long time. Sometimes I forget I have it, until there are new patches and suddenly I have to think about taking therapy again. I have a small UV-B machine with 4 X 2 feet tubes which I use when new patches come up.

    I realised it was a lifelong battle.

    I know it affects my have eyes move to my forehead where there is a patch mid-conversation. It is awful. It gets better with time though.




    • True Sudipto it gets better with time! I agree that sometimes you forget you have it ;) 
      I wish one day they would be able to find a better therapy than the photo therapy... 
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