my experiment

i read on this forum a while ago that dead sea minerals are meant to help with vitiligo, so i have been and bought some dead sea minerals body butter and this is where my little experiment starts.

i have decided that i am going to only apply the body butter to my biggest patch which is on my hip. as i thought that any changes will be more noticable due to the size.

so i have taken a photo of my patch today before applying any body butter and will take another photo each week so i can monitor whether there are any changes.


i will keep everyone updated as to whether is helps at all.



Holly xxx

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  • I have been to Deadsea treatment several times and done my research by following other vitiligo researchers results , yes it helps to repigment but it is not permanent for all..some vit spots repig permanently ,It helps by combining the sun and bathing on Dead sea  ,the main secret is the sun around dead sea coz it is the lowest point on earth.  You should try ur expriment by combining it to morning or evening sun exposure for about 10-20 minutes a day…watch out not to get burn.

    Good luck!

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