My Experiences and Observations

Here’s a little background about myself. I’ve always been in
“great shape.” I started running when I was 13, cycling at 23, and hitting the
gym at 19. I have continuously done all three throughout my life. From a
cardiovascular standpoint, I’m in great shape. At my last physical, my doctor
told me do continue doing whatever I’m doing.

Along the way, I’ve always taken some kind of supplements. Going
all the way back to high school, I’ve trying a variety of things to help
athletic performance, increase muscle mass, and improve general health. I’ve
been a fairly loyal customer of Centrum multivitamins for about 20 years. When I
think some of those supplements may have been helpful, but I could never really
prove it. I never had any personal proof.

In 2004, I noticed that my body was hurting more and
performing less. In 2008 I had three new medical issues pop up. In rapid
succession, I was diagnosed with psoriasis, vitiligo, and an odd condition
involving my eyelashes (which I neglected to get the name of). My dermatologist
said there was a school of thought which held that the vitiligo was caused by a
confused immune system. My optometrist said the condition involving my
eyelashes was thought to be related to an autoimmune system malfunction.

When I found research linking psoriasis to a misbehaving
immune system, I decided to focus my personal research in that area. I have
always had a very strong immune system. Now, I feared that this strong immune
system was turning itself lose on my own body.

I found a variety of independent, separate write-ups from
doctors discussing how confused immune systems could cause a variety of health
issues. Three of these doctors said that USANA nutritionals were the best at
helping restore proper body functioning.

Oddly enough, as I was visiting my local source of propane
for my BBQ, my friend there finally asked about my advancing vitiligo. He had
been thinking of asking me about it for months but never built up the courage
to do it. He shared with me the story of his niece who also has “lost her skin
color.” She began using a battery of nutritional supplements and her skin
color, he said was returning. The product? USANA supplements.

I started using USANA products in September, 2010. I played
around with a variety of combinations to see what would happen. The first thing
I noticed was that my body had a definite reaction. Stuff happened each time I
shifted product combinations and dosages. With one combination, I saw a modest
reversal in the vitiligo. With another, I saw a huge reduction in psoriasis
flare-ups. About four months ago, my skin pigmentation really started fighting
back. It was amazing. And while I still use the prescribed cream the fight
psoriasis flare-ups, I’m using about one tube each year now.

I’m not saying that USANA products cure any of these
diseases --  there is no scientific study
that would support that. What I am saying is that USANA products effectively
helped to bring my body chemistry back in line so my body can work the way it’s
supposed to. I also don’t think it’s any coincidence that I am sleeping better,
have more energy, and haven’t had a cold in a year. I’m playing baseball again
(at 48!) and I feel great.

I can supply more detailed information for those who want to
get healthier at the cellular level, and perhaps start beating back vitiligo.

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