Does Vitiligo run in the family ???.....................Yes

Can I get a skin biopsy to check if I have it ? A. Biopsy of the skin is not a diagnostic for vitiligo. It only helps to exclude other conditions.

Can I go out in the sun ? Yes but make sure your time is closely monitored

What treatment for vitilgo is most promising ? None because results depend on individual cases

Did Michael Jackson actually have it ? According to dermatologist and the pathologist who did his autopsy !!!!

What are my chances of getting vitiligo ? about the same as winning a million dollars in the lottery.

What other disease can cause Vitiligo ? Lupus and many others

Can a compromised immune system cause vitiligo ? Yes it's a fact after recent medical research

Will my kids get it if one the parents have it ? No not really because you can get it even if your parents don't have it.

Will sunblock protect me from the sun ? Yes and get the sunblock that has the highest SPF number (Skin Protection Factor)

I will have more frequently asked questions as I gather more information ~ Carl Manley

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  • if I read this correctly, we need to start a Lotto Club, stat!
    We'll be bazillionaires in no time :-)
    • There is a lot of lottery winners out there
  • For the ingorant people talking to me..
    Ask me what is the most given answer to them......? "GET OUTTA MY FACE"! (rolling my eyes and looking at them like AS IF!)

    I got issues, but so what, hahaha, Its my world and I can do what I want...kinda

    Good Info Carl..
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