Micropigmentation NYC

Hi Vitiligo Family, I would like to know if anyone in NYC area has done micropigmentation. I 'm about to get micropigmentation on my left areola. My vitiligo has been inactive for over 5 years so that makes me a good candidate. I would like to know if anyone could recommend a good place in NYC.




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  •  I have tried Micropigmentation to cover vitligo spots, not all tattooists who can do it ,you have to find the one who have experience...I know one Micropigmentisian near NY ...I haven`t try there job ...coz I wanted to try all other cell treatment first on face...that is my last opption on face.
    NB: vitiligo have to be stable atleast for 6 month - one year or more

    I had meil communication and they sound professional have experience of vitiligo treatment may be more expensive than others  but they have experience to match skin color, please visit there page.


    Good Luck!

    • Great Bam!

      Check this out too: 


      • Hey Flavio

        This method is advised when vitiligo is absolutely stable, for some ppl the trauma may worsen vit...

        This is the absolutely last last last option , after cell treatment if some small spots are left , the problem With this treatment is to match Perfect color, coz Our skin varies in seasons and some conditions while tatoo remain same ..what I do is I blend it by cover tone make up....as base color it removes the white spots and it helps ... Not advised for kids coz of the pain.

        most micropigmentisians can match colored skin , when it comes to light and olive skin there is one women in Chicago see the link photo vitiligo on the bottom of home page


        Happy New year!

        • I know you said the Vitiligo has to be stable, i thought my vitilgo was stable after 2 years. But it hasn't, if it's not stable what happens if someone continued to try out for micro pigmentation, does it become koebner phenomenon??

          • Two things:

            1- If vitiligo is not stable, you may have future new spots around the micro pigmented area, so that you will have to do it again.  It will be even more difficult to match 3 colors (original, old micro pigmented color and the new micro pigmented one).

            2- Yes. Any friction can activate koebner response.

            • If vitiligo is active and do tatto it is not gona be good coz as the vit will inrease it will be New treatment again ,,,it may not even hold ,may coz irritation if vit is actve,,, the worst part is for some it may agrivate vit koebner phenomenon..some do it With out knowleg and nothing happen....To stay safe wait until vit is stable or do only on those spots are stable atleast 6 month.

              Good Luck!

              • Thanks for the advice, i thought my vitiligo was stable but in other areas it has got worse. Must be my diet. I will wait  and see.

        • Thanks Bam.

  • Hi Joe, have you had any success with this? 

    I have had micropigmentation and permanent make-up on areolas with no luck. Now considering melanocyte transfer but sadly it costs a lot!

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