Some time ago there were some vitis from this group  who has got free offer by dr .Vivik we haven`t heard the result Is there any one who has appdates or any other exprience.


This webcite is claiming that it is one of the best treatment , if vitiligo is stable,listen to the video clip interesting.





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  • I was rejected due to my Vit my spreading.

    • Normally vitiligo is stable when it is not active over 2 years..but some doctors accept if vit is not spreding last 6 month to one year..

      @Delwar .where did you get rejected ? for how long was ur vit stable.?

      My vit is normally stable for many years but there are a couple of new spots I got a year ago they have been a little aktive but stable now for the last 3-4 monthes , I wonder if i can treat those which are stable.

      • Thank you Delwar ..the requirment to melanocyte transplant is like tatoo ,If vit is spreding and it is active they dont advice.


  • Hi hanna i was one his candidate but unluckly my vit is not stable. To do the treatment our vit should be stable that is why i couldnt perform the treatment . Regards
    • Thank you Merry and Bamagut..I hope to get more info from other people too.For how long should the vitiligo have to be stable?

  • Hello Hana

    I havn`t done it coz my vit was not stable hope to hear others exprience too , I am planning to try it this sommer I will let you know the result.


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