Has anyone ever tried this treatment from Cuba? I am curious about it and tempted to give it a shot. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

MELAGENINA PLUS   is a product, developed by Dc.  Carlos Miyares Cao from  that is applied to therapy the… disease (Vitiligo)

Medical publications released in  talking about a 80% chance of healing caused an increasing interest by affected persons around the world in this treatment exclusively offered by the Institute of Plazenta-Histotherapy.

During a three days ambulatory stay that includes a total of three treatments the patients become familiar to the application. Because first results appear only by long term treatment (3-12 month), can be acquired right there in the Institute to continue the therapy at home. 

Melagenina Plus  is a solution which contains 50% of a alcoholic concentrate of placenta mixed up with   calcium chloride (100 mg). In its original version (Melagenina) it was applied 3 times a day (every 8 hours) supported by a special UV-Lighttherapy. The recently developed medicament Melagenina Plus needs to be applied only once a day. Intense  Sunlight or even UV-Light should be avoided. 

The solution will is distributed homogeneously on the affected areas by hand until the liquid is absorbed by the skin. 

It’s important to maintain the same rhythm of application which means that Melagenina Plus should be applied every day at the same time as indicate the instructions of the supplier. The skin should not be washed and no cosmetics applied after using Melagenina Plus. Because of this its recommended to follow a regular treatment always before going to bed.

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  • I went to Cuba' met wit a nice Doctor at the Circa Garcia center and stayed for about a week. I saw the Doctor the first day for the initial appt. ,then a nurse who showed me how to apply the lotion on the second day and a third visit with the doctor only on the third day. I got 6 bottles of the medication, and used it as stated for nine months. I did not get any positive results at all. However as stated before,maybe that was not the tx.  for me but I had to try. It may work for you but it is costly what with traveling expenses, staying there and for the medication. Hope this helps.

    • Thanks for all the info Grace! I appreciate it, cheers :) 

  • Hi Eric, I tried the treatment from Cuba about two years ago. I heard from someone that it may work for the vitiligo. However after using it faithfully for over nine months I had not seen any improvement. I am sure that everyone reacts differently to treatment, but it did not work for me. I am currently trying narrow band UVB at home . Hoping to get some results. Also taking vitamins from Merry clinic but this is all less than a month. Good luck with your search for your repigmentation.

    • Did you travel to Cuba to see the doctors or did you order the melagenina through another source? 

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