Lukoskin caused spreading!

hi all! I started lukoskin about 6 months ago. First there was no change, but then in the last three months it has spread like wild fire...i feel it is lukoskin to blame since i have not done anything differently! Earlier i did not have any patches on legs but now 50% of my legs have patches and almost 70% of my arms. So really disappointed!

i have stopped using it since last 15 days...dont know what else to do...i wrote to lukoskin about it, but they just tell me to get blood tests which are all normal. But I have read in some other forum where a number of people have said that for them too it spread. Any inputs from anyone?

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  • how many years you had vitiligo ?? where u had first and where you have it now ???

    • I had it for 10 years. I had it on neck which was cured 95%. I applied lukoskin in remaining 5% but unfortunately, not only cured patches (90%) reappeared but also it spread and grew much larger and still growing even though I have stopped the medicine one year ago. Please stop immediately if you are using lukoskin. Its the wost medicine ever, it doesn't cure but creates more. Pathetic!

      • i had it for past 6 years..i am using it for past 3 months and i dont see any spreading..infact its very stable now..i know a friend in facebook who repigmented her face 80% using lukoskin...what abt the diet restriction and sun exposure ??

  • Hi Preeti,

    I had some cured patches after using melanocyl but unfortunately, I used lukoskin after which it started spreading like anything. Government should immediately withdraw lukoskin

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