Hi All, 

I have recently diagnosed with vit, on my finger tips and the lips are also discolored,

You can see the pictures on my profile for the effected area

I near Philadelphia PA, 

Went to a doctor after finding the name from the National Vit Foundation site.

But was put on protopic and said not really much can be done. 

Its been over 4 months i dont see any changes .

Please someone suggest me what medicine i should be on,Also is there anyone got lucky with the treatments on lips , is there any surgery or something i can do to make my lips black one more time.

I see its growing slowly on some of the fingers and and some are just static .

Can i stop the spread ?

Any good physician in the try state?

Appreciate your help ..

Thank You  

2012-03-10 11.29.03-1.jpg

2012-01-20 09.01.40.jpg

2012-01-20 09.15.30.jpg

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  • Hi,

    I also had to see many different doctors before one suggested xcimer laser treatments. Most insurance companies pay a portion of it.  You can contact the company - Xtrac (Photomedex) for local doctors/questions.  Protopic hasn't worked on my fingertips-only on my face right next to my lip. And nothing so far on my finger tips with the laser.  It sped up the re-pig on the spot on my face.

  • Stressing will only make it worse, So smile.  I know It can be hard!

    The fingers are a hard spot to repigment, and you should find another doctor though, cause this one does not seem to know what they are doing and they sound insensitive, shop around for a doctor, it took me several doctors to find one that had experience and was interested in helping me. 

    Start taking vitamins

    within time you will see repigment on lips, my lips are filling in now, from vitamins at first  but I also get laser treatments, look into it.  The laser has also helped my fingers repigment a bit but not alot, I am still working on it, I do laser treatments 2 times a week

    vitamins I take are

    A, B12, Beta Carotene, C, D, E, Folic Acid and a Multi Vitamin

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