Laser treatment!

Hello everyone just wanted to say that I've been using the excimer laser treatment for my vitiligo. I go to the derm 2-3 a week and get the laser all over my spots(hands feet elbow and face) after 6 treatments I can see pigment coming back around my eyes. I am hyperpigmenting (spots are too dark now) but the derm told me it would eventually lighten out. I have had vitiligo for 11 years now and this is finally working. I am also using Elidel for my face twice a day. If the treatment is working for anyone else please let me know. Stay strong guys. Xoxo

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  • Want to recommend a reasonable charge of hospitals and doctors, I use UVB to have effect, but can not be completely covered, see your suggestion, want to try Xtrac.  

  • It works for some ppl ...For me it works at the begning and it most of repig fade away ...keep on doing it for 3-4 monthes don`t burn much ..

    Please let us know the final result.


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