Jergens natural glow

Hope you all are doing fine. I have Vitiligo on my face in the chin region and use Protopic and have seen some good results. I also have Vit on my hands and have started using Jergens natural Glow. I have been using for 5 days and havent really seen improvement. The spots are pretty small and what I do is just rub the lotion onto the spots themselves. I am using fair to medium skin tones. I figure it will take tome but wanted to see if anyone has used this before or are trying different methods. Thanks for any input!

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  • I use the jergens natural glow express on my hands.  I put it on like lotion and then use a cotton ball with alcohol for the palms of my hands and my fingernail.  If you leave the lotion on your fingernail it will stain them a gross color!  I like the works well.  I also use Air Stocking spray in natural and I like that as well.  I get it from Ebay or Amazon.  Hope that helps! :)

    • Thanks Hal for the information. How long did it take for you to see any darkening to your skin with the lotion? Also did you use fair to medium skin tone or medium to dark? How did you use Air Stocking spray, all over or did you spray on a Q-tip and rub on spots.

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