Is Narrow band UVB equal to sunlight

Is Narrow Band UVB equal to natural sunlight? 

I am planning to use Lukoskin medicine that is recently developed by DRDO in India and the treatment procedure indicates that we need to apply the tube ( ointment ) and expose Vitiligo for about 5 - 20 mins in natural sunlight..


Currently I am taking Narrow Band UVB treatment and the result is very less about 5% pigmentation..So I would like to continue to take the Narrow Band UVB along with the new medicine Lukoskin..


Any Suggestions?Also Is Narrow Band UVB equal to natural sunlight?

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  • Sure I will keep you posted and thanks for your reply..I am thinking of starting again from  first but not sure at what level I need to start and how much I should increase? Just trying to work out all the information
  • I think natural sunlight is best for skin as it is a mixture of UVA and UVB. UVA penetrates deeper into the skin and UVB hits the top layer but is also responsible for burning (i may have that the wrong way around??!!). Either way UVB is as close as you will get i the absence of sunlight.....just be careful you dont overdo it as the cream may sensitise the skin tpo sunlight so start with very small exposure and build up again. good luck and let us know how well it works
    • Most experts will disagree with you and will tell you that that narrow band UVB is better than sunlight. And yes you have it the wrong way around UVA is responsible for burning,
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