Insurance Coverage?

So recently I was given a prescription for protopic. I went to the pharmacy and was told that I would have to come back because my insurance didn't want to cover it.  He told me to come back because the insurance would call my doctor and see the requirement for it.  I've never heard of anything like this is this normal?  If it turns out to not be covered then I will have to spend over 300 dollars for a tube.  Just makes no sense at all.  Insurance will cover medication for my anxiety and depression but not for the root cause.  Very confused insurance is such a scam I've paid them paycheck after paycheck and have been paying the government for medicare that I don't use for 8 years now and when I need help nothing is there for me.  I'm so thrilled that I no longer "serve" this pathetic country.

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  • Same thing happened to me. I lost my fantastic insurance and bought my own. I pay a ridiculous amount for health insurance plan that literally covers NONE of my prescriptions. It's supposed to pay for at least 20% of them, but insurance companies have the right to not pay for certain medicines. Especially if they A. Do not come in generic form and B. Are for cosmetic purposes. My insurance doesn't cover my anxiety meds either, just forked over $179 for Cymbalta.

    • Wow sorry to hear that.  In this case I wish I were alone. People shouldn't be put through this. 

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