Hi friends , as a part of my course curriculum,  IN POST GRADUATION I want  to do a project by DESIGNING A NEW and EFFECTIVE FORMULATION FOR VITLIGO TREATMENT

so friends please support me by sending all the information that u have on ALLOPATHIC TREATMENT ( NOT HOMEOPATHY / AYURVEDIC ) . please tell me the drugs and lotions that ur DOCTOR prescribes u, and which u found more effective


U can mail me on

                        Please respond to this discussion

                                                                With regards


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  • UVB- 4 times a week with increasing intensities.

    UVA- once a week after taking meds.

    a corticosteroid injection once in 4 weeks.

    Tacrolimus ointment 0.1% on affected patches in visible areas at bedtime

    Desonide cream alternatingly with another ointment called Vitix that has melon-extract daily.

    Methylcobalamin and folic acid all in one tablet daily

    Vitamin, Biotin, Inositol, Lysine and Minerals all in one capsule daily

    Zinc Sulphate tablets.

    I gave on Ayurvedic.


    • thnq so much for the information Sudipto Ghosh

    • Hello,

      Have you signs of repigmentation with lukoskin?

      • sorry jerome i dnt know about lukoskin

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