
  • i honestly think we need to get this into the air and get people around the world to understand how we feel and how hurtful people can be and how much of and impact vitiligo has made on all of our lives
  • NONE of the NON-Fatal illnesses (vitiligo, psoriasis, herpes, eczema, arthrithis, gout, migraines, shingles, etc) will ever get the attention that the fatal and crippling ones do. ONLY when it affects people of money, positions and power will more money be pushed into it.
    thants just the way of the world. there are toooo many ailments and not enuff money to go around to find a cure for everything.
    i look at it this way... it could be way worse. we could have inflamed skin, open sores, etc...

    we need to be brought more out into the light and familiarize more people with it, so they'll understand and not have to stare and wonder.

    it's like when i was young and was the only black kid in class, for the first week i was a wonder, but once the hair touching, color questions etc was over, we were all just kids.
  • @ Carl, I dont think its because its not painful or damaging beyond psychological effect, I think its because we have not taken the bull by the horn to let them know that its a serious issue affecting Quality of Life of persons living with it. Quality of Of Life is a significant one, I ask a question again, what can a man who is emotionally and psychologically dead contribute to his society and economy? Main problem of Vitiligo is the Psychosocial effect and it is a serious problem.
    WHO definition of Health -
    Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. So its not just because of the above, a Doctor can never understand what it feels like living or having Vitiligo like you will, there is an extent he can go especially when there is no much noise to be made about it even when he gets significant results...human beings simply love to be celebrated. Again how many of them are really concerned about ur plight and effects of this like sunburn, stigma and segregation? Could some people just be out for their pocket?
    So many organizations are talking about HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Women and Maternal Health and all, how many talks about Vitiligo? Let Bill Gates bring out $1B today for Skin and pigmentary disorders, you will see how important it suddenly becomes.....
    Long and short of my story is that we can get Vitiligo to receive attention like other diseases, but we have to do it ourselves, each and everyone of us can do something in our locality at our spare time and in trickles it will be heard and rest is for God to take it to where He deem fit

    Micheal Jackson's family must not be the family to bring the necessary attention to Vitiligo, we all can!
    • Ogo I'm not saying that Michael Jackson's family should be the ones who bring attrention to our cause all I'm saying is I think his kids are not his biologically children, and Bill Gates has no association with vitiligo that's why he could never bring it to the worlds attention like a person of color who had the disorder

  • Carl maybe through Michael Jackson's son Prince Michael, vitiligo might get the needed attention. News articles says he has the skin disorder.
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