I treated it so many years ago

Hi guys,

I hope you all get well soon.  After seen all these discussions I cannot believe that I treated it 12 years ago. 

It was certainly terrible, after treatment, I just did not want to talk about the issue at all.  Time to time I get energy to talk people with viti, especially young people.  Because they are at the start of the life, and unfortunately they loose their hope and do not have anything for future.

I was doing my PhD in USA while I had it.  It think it kicked in due to the overwhelming depression by the stress from the work I was doing.  There was not so much material around as is now. (I am a scientist dealing with rare animal diseases)

I experimented and found that dairy products were poisoning me.  I ated container of homemade yogurt and slept on it.  In the morning I had big white spots on my fingers.Then everything turned out to be easy.  

What I know for sure is that:

I did not use any creams, or anything applied on the skin.  Because it is nonsence.  Problem is inside, not outside. 

No cure that works everybody,

No magical cure put in one bottle (this is rediculous) 

Stopping for new vits are absolutely essential in the beginning.  

Now I am working with somebody who had viti for three years.  I will share how this is going to process.

I want to spent some time with this long forgetten disorder by me.   

I really understand all of you deep inside.  


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  • Hi Xvitix , Your viti got re pigmented once you stopped yogurt intake ? or did u try any other treatments as well while you were healing ?

    i found this list as well:


    • Hi, nJ, it happened like that.  But, I emphasize, stopping yogurt consumption stops new vitis, does not help repigmenting.  Because two mechanisms are different.  My problem was digestion problems.  I now am working with three different viti groups: no tryroit problems, with hypo and with hyper.  All three has different mechanisms for treatment of viti (I am writing first time here).  That is what is supposed to be.  If there would be a single mechanisms, one of us could suggest something the others would further improve that, and then we would have cure already.  It took two months to figure out main reason in my first viti sufferer.  If you have a plan, certainly you should not eat milk and its byproducts and no oranges, lemons as well.


      • Hi XivitiX , my vitiligo is stable for past many years .... i have dairy and vit C in moderation.... recently stopped yogurt on doc's advice . Am dealing with existing spots alone...sometime i see some good change sometimes nothing ...just they turn pinkish with treatment... so am looking for solution that shall work of existing spots...

        umm u mentioned that diff ppl have different mechanisms of treatment ... and also you have vit ppl wid thyroid and non-thyroid grp.... i'v also read somewhere some vit ppl may have thyroid too... so what you observed that worked or helped non-thyroid grp and one's who had thyroid (hypo/hyper) ??  just curious ...can help others too with your experience as you have healed yourself and helping others now...maybe your observation helps...

        • Living healthy by avoiding foods that you dont tolerate is good but it is not enough to help you repigment, some ppl get good repig on face by using creams ....

          I think the key is to live healthy the way you feel right and add some treatment like UV or creams if not surgical treatments .

          Ppl are different some thing work for some not for others..we have to keep on tring.



  • is it true that we should eat less meat more vegetables and fruit.less rice bread and pastas.

    • certainly, to stop viti,  but treating is another story.  Heyyyy please no creams as well!!!!!!

      • why no creams.how do we treat it then.or there is no treatment we can only stop it?
        now mu doctor says maybe i was allergic to metals.i used razors to shave my legs thats why i got this problwm.am confused.i really want to send u a pic to get an idea if u want.am not sure what it is.
        • Creams do not fix the viti, but artificially force the process to occur otherwise would not occur in normal body conditions(!). Just take your time and think about the latter my sentence.  My theory is that you get more vulnerable for new white spots if you use it (of course there is supporting facts for this).  Moreover, I would especially emphasize that they would not be used especially when entering winter and late spring (this is also my theory).  If your body is not ready for viti treatment, using them makes u vulnerable.   You might be headed for total depigmentation. Of course it depends person to person.  

    • less meat but quality proteins (fish is OK), more vegetables (absoluately) and less cooked if possible, fruits be selective (e.g. avoid oranges), rice is OK but white bread is no.  Heyy use Black Pepper as much as possible (there is a purpose for that), integrate beet to your diet 3 times per week (There is a purpose too).  are some that comes to my mind quickly.

  • Yogurt is a Acidic , sour product just like processed cheese .... as per ayurveda anything which is sour or fermented should be avoided for healing , i don't know the reason why though.... Any research on that ?

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