I think changing my diet has helped my vitiligo

Lately I've been eating a whole lot healthier. I've started in May and I've noticed some new pigmented spots appearing. I'm not completely sure if it is my diet but I'm just glad that its kinda coming back. I've been eating/drinking a lot of spinach, probiotic yogurts they are really good especially the vinilla, lemon water, kiwi, broccoli , cranberry juice, vitamin C supplement and a multivitamin. I still eat other stuff but I've been eating/drinking those things a lot lately. Hope this helps somebody!

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  • Thats really good.

    I'm 37 years old and just got Vitiligo in this age. No one in my family have Vitiligo .

    I'm gonna try these diets. I believe is something with Vitamins and the food. 

    My doctor took a lot of blood tests. So next week i will get the results. Then he can see whats wrong. 

    Right now i only got really small white round spots on my right hand.

    They are not so noticeable on my left hand. The doctor said that it is in the early first stage. So maybe it will be more easy to treat it.

    • Yes that's good. It's easier to treat when you treat it early. I was really sick and wasn't eating so I know I was low on vitamins and minerals hopefully it works in both of our favor
      • My Blod results came back. They where good. My B12 was OK. But my doctor told me to take xtra B12 vitamins + Acid Folic. They are good for the body. 

        Can you please tell me how you make that Spinach Juice ?

        • Well I just eat regular spinach and cream spinach. I've heard spinach is high in folic acid so that's why I've been eating a lot of it. I think broccoli is good for vitamin b12. I love broccoli and cheess so I don't mind eating it, and I think all green vegetables do something good :)
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