
  • Is it just a coincidence that today is also the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death?

    • I think that they actually did that on purpose because of the attention he brought to Vitiligo.

      But really, do you actually think that he had it? When he was dark, I never saw any spots... it was almost like one day he was dark, then he was a little lighter and then white as a ghost! Did he just say it because he didnt want negative attention for making such a drastic change on his own? I mean, the guy made drastic changes to his appearance with surgery (nose, cheeks, chin, eyes) so it leads me to think that he just did it to do it. Oh well, at least he brought attention to it and made it easier for people like us to explain to others.

      • There are some pictures of when he was a kid, where you can clearly see it.  It was either on his hand or knee...but to answer your question, yes, he had it.

        • Interesting! I didnt know all that. Now I feel a little bad saying he didnt have it before.... Not that he made it easy for people to trust everything he said : /  The guy was a musical genius, but boy did he have issues.

          • No need to feel bad. Dude was a grown ass man, talking about he liked sleeping with kids.  If you got a panic button in your bedroom, you ain't normal.  

            Thank goodness I can separate the music from the man.  

      • I'm not a Michael Jackson expert, but I think he wore the glove because it developed on his hand first. Of course that may be speculation and I do agree with the whole facial surgery thing. 

        I saw a report somewhere that his autopsy confirmed the Vit though.

  • I just signed the petition.  Happy Vitiligo Day!

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