chances are greater that your grandkids will show it before your kids do. its not a question of if your kids will get it but if it shows up, becomes active. i dont know if the dna, genes or what have you carries it, but if its in your makeup, its part of theirs. but the odds are that it's activity skips a generation. of course if you have 10 kids, it might show in one of them. its not an exact science.
my grandmother had it, became active in her 70's. none of her 3 daughters show signs, they're in their late 70's now. mine became active when i was 49.
Jader > Marty BlackEagle-CarlMay 30, 2011 at 12:13pm
Thanks for the info. I'm on it. My mom did not have insurance so it was hard for her to take me to a dermatologist. My son just turn one year two months ago, I don't know if he has a sun burn, birth mark or potential vitaligo. He is light skin so it might just be me. I am worry to death.
Thanks for ur reply. He actually has a small patch on his face might be sun burn, but going to take him to a
Dermatologist this week. I'm praying to god it's only sunburn.
chances are greater that your grandkids will show it before your kids do. its not a question of if your kids will get it but if it shows up, becomes active. i dont know if the dna, genes or what have you carries it, but if its in your makeup, its part of theirs. but the odds are that it's activity skips a generation. of course if you have 10 kids, it might show in one of them. its not an exact science.
my grandmother had it, became active in her 70's. none of her 3 daughters show signs, they're in their late 70's now. mine became active when i was 49.
Dermatologist this week. I'm praying to god it's only sunburn.