
  • Hi all,

    I thought a chuck my opinion into the ring on the Vitiligo Oil debate. My own research into it has found that this product works well for people with stable vitiligo. Its active ingredient is psoralens corylifolia also known a babchi, and it is a skin sensitiser i.e. it makes the skin more sensitive to UV light and therefore helps the skin to produce melanin. However, for the amount of money Vitiligo Oil is being sold for, you could make your own that would be just as effective. You can by babchi/psoralen corylifolia oil for less than $10 on Ebay, mix it with coconut oil or any other carrier oil of your choice and hey presto you've saved yourself a ton of money. There are no new wonder treatments, just old ones being repackaged. Finally, if you think of it like make up, then you wont be disappointed when the white patches come back. I blogged about this a few months ago. If you want to read more you can find it here.

    • Hi! Sorry but I am a little confused when you stated "if you think of it like make up, then you wont be disappointed when the white patches come back." So does the Psoralens Corylifolia in fact not help repigmentation?? is it more like a temporary self tanner? 

      • Hi Mayra, you're on the right track with the self tanning analogy.Psoralens Corylifolia makes the skin more sensitive to UV radiation, and therefore encourages the remaining melanocytes to produce melanin and much like tanning that effect will fade after a time. If oxidative stress is one of the mechanisms leading to melanocyte destruction, then what our skin needs is something that can work to redress the balance, which is why an antioxidant like pseudocatalase for example, is probably a more effective longer lasting treatment than Psoralens Corylifolia. 


    • Wow thanks a ton for your advice Helen, I was just about to pull the trigger on some of these snake oils.  I'm going to give babchi/psoralen corylifolia oil a shot and will let you all know how it plays out.  

  • would love to hear what you have ...e-mail me at  Thanks

  • I agree, I'm currently in nigeria and i purchased anti-vitiligo oil online from pakistan. my face has repigmented 70% and i just purchased recouleur vitamins to work it from the inside. I believe its worth trying


    • I know how it feels to have people point and stare.  I know how it feels to have people say what did you do to yourself.  I know how it feels for people to laugh at me.  My Vitiligo is on %50 of my face.  i did everything and almost went to Cuba for some 5star skin centre.  I wore make up for 5 years of my youth than i became an alcolholic.  I was divorced mad and accepted this is what I am.  I moved on with my life remarried and found someone who looked past my face and did research on the side for me.  I really did not go outside for a long time.  She tells me there's things out there but I wouldnt listen.  My answer was if Dermatalogist dont have anything and Micheal Jackson with all his money couldnt find anything than this is what I am, until.

      My Wife started to do some research after I gave up and excepted this is what I have to deal with.  Being in a state of depression not wanting to go outside she heard about a natural herbal remedy pill that you can get from almost any pharmacy over the counter called Ginkgo biloba.  The most cost effective place I found it to be dirt cheap was Costco.  Here in Canada it was $7 for 340 capsules.  Where as the drugstore it $30 for 30 capsules.  Ginko Biloba helps to circulate blood through the body.  Well at first I tried taking 4 daily started to see some colour after 2 weeks.  Than my wife suprises me and bought something from Pakistan and I was really reluctant to use it.  I was thinking Pakistan no way.  So I promisedto give it a shot.  Its a oil that stinks but you get use to the smell.  I applied very aggessrively all over my face until my skin would redden a little twice a day everyday.  I also upt the ginko to 8 a day 4 in the morning 4 at night.  Man after 2 weeks there was an explsion of colour coming back to my face and in 6 weeks I was back to normal.  The bottle is called Anti-Vitiligo, it has a green cap and a brown bottle my wife got it for $100.  I dont have a website for you google it in images its from Pakistan I do believe they have a distribution in U.S.  It worked for me and for the cost its worth trying.  Anyone I meet off the streets I tell them about it but you need the Ginkgo biloba pill a must.  You dont use the entire bottle so it should last a while I have had mine for 2 years.  About every 6 months I need to reuse it again.  I really hope you try this it changed my life and it worked for me.  Thanks Rassool Auckbaraullee  share this with everyone you know. This is not a cure but a band aid that last somewhere between 4 - 6 months.

      • heu there Russel

        IM FRM PAKISTAN  can u tell me where can i found i8?

        is it oil or capsules?

        • HI Amina its a oil anti-vitiligo-oil.jpg this is the pic.  But remember I used the capsule of Ginko Biloba 2 times a day 4 in the morning 4 at night you should see results after 2 weeks.  Also apply the oil really tough as if you were taking off a rash.  Hope it helps I dont know if you have in a drugstore in pakistan but this is the picture.

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