I refuse too let people piss on my parade because I have vitiligo and when people stop, stare and whisper amongst themselves it just goes to show that they are ignorant because intelligent people will never approach you this way. I love myself too much to care what others think and I'm not going to hide my vitiligo just so people won't talk about about me or accept me. if they can't deal with me or my looks the hell with them !!!!! life is short anyway to worry about what they are saying to me and all of us with vitiligo like I have mentioned previously " I Love Myself Too Much To Worry About How Other Percieve Me " and if I didn't love myself I would constantly worry about what others say behind my back and I would be too busy worrying about what kind of cures and treatments I need to hide my vitiligo. You don't need treatments, make-up, etc. just do what I did, ask God to take the emotional pain from Vitiligo away from you and you will be able to face the public with a whole new diffrent attitude and trust me it, it works because I used to be so worried about how others felt about me until I got on my knees one day and I prayed for God to take away this emotional pain of vitiligo and that's what he did

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  • Jimmy Ford made a very good point just turn all your problems over to god and he will work them out for you because god will never give you more then you can handle

  • i agree with you 100%. you have to have healing from god because he is the only one that truly smiles on us. before i go to work each day i say a prayer and goes like this. God i"m going to give you all of my problems today and let you deal with them because you"re the master of all things.
  • More power to you.... I have had vitiligo for 7 years now and I have allowed it to take so much from me and my life. I wish I could be strong like you... but I just feel so alone and like no one around me really understands what I am going through. Do you ever think "How did this happen to me?" I do..... and I think that maybe that it my problem.
    • Kim--I have felt that way. But reading the posts on this site is very uplifting and enlightening. hang in there!
  • Im still not comfortable even though my vit is only on my face BUT still...that is the first place that people see. It got to the point that I took down the pics that I had posted on FB. Just got a little sad from people asking me "When, How and Why"? I can answer the "When" but Im still struggling with the How and Why...I myself don't even know the answer to that. But with the Grace of God, the support of family and some friends as well as this site...I can find the strength to face myself everyday.
    • Hello Dawn, like Carl said you are very beautiful. I understand how you feel, but you shouldn't be uncomfortable. I have vitiligo on my arms and other areas, i don't wear short sleeves,although I have tried from time to time but that's just me i don't what other people or think. I have a couple of areas still left on my face. However, I use Dermablend on my face and what shows aroud my neck or ears i don't worry about. I always have good week ends and go dancing and listening to music and I very seldom get turned down for a dance and it's not because of looks because I see a lot of guys without vitiligo get turned down a lot. Over the years, i have learned to look people in the eye when they are talking to me, that establishes with them that you are of a strong character and the same as they are. When you treat people the way you would like for them to treat you they tend to look beyond the color of your skin. So, from this radient picture of a woman I see here you don't have any reason to be ashamed or shy. Anyone would love to be in your company. You can talk to me anytime. Have another beautiful day because you are a genuine rose.
      • Thanks Charles for ur kind words:)
        I have some days when it doesnt bother me as much but then of course there are days that I start feeling down on myself. I just got to the point where I no longer sleep in my makeup...lol!!! I guess with time it'll get better. And with ur encouraging words as well as my dear friend "Carl"...it helps a whole lot. Thanx Sweetie and u have a Blessed day:)
    • Dear April you're so beautiful that I really don't even see your vitiligo because it's in such a small area (Eye Lids) I wish I could tell you how to be strong about your vitiligo but that would have to come from within if your uncomfortable with it maybe you will feel better in time. There was a time when I refused to leave my house because of my vitiligo but I asked God to take all that emotional pain away and he did so it don't bother me no more I love myself to much too be scared of showing myself off to others and just realize this April the skin is just a temporary covering anyway because when we die flesh and blood can't enter the kingdom of God so when were born again we get new skin anyway I love you Damn take care of yourself and God bless you, You're friend forever Carl

      • Awwwww Thanx Pumpkin:) It means alot to me just hearing these words come from u. God has truly placed another Angel in my life..."YOU".
  • Hell Carl,

    I agree with you 100%, there is no need to be bothered about what people think. i have had vitiligo progressively since 1975. At first I did let the stares and whispers make me a little shy but never ashamed of my appearance. I use to have people ask me if I had been burned, naturally the answer was always no. If they became persistent and really wanted to know what it was i would sometimes explain if i didn't care to explain, i just simply walked off or changed the subject. With all of the attention we get we must be an elite group of God's children.

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