Hyaluronic Acid 50mg

Hello all, I wanted to tell you all about my experience with the vitamin called Hyaluronic Acid 50mg. For the past 3-4 weeks I have been taking 100mg nightly and have noticed a big difference in my vitiligo affected areas(neck and face). Also, in addition to using the capsules I have also applied Protopic 1-2 times daily. This past April 2012 was when I really noticed the vitiligo spots and was diagnosed by a dermatologist a few weeks later. They gave me Protopic and I started using it as directed. There was a slight difference after a few weeks. I started going in the sun daily (vitiligo friend's suggestion) and it helped more. Then I saw the Hyaluronic Acid vitamins and decided to try it. These capsules made a big difference in just a few weeks! It is amazing. My white spots are getting color back or freckling. Just wanted to share my experience and wonder if anyone else has tried this particular vitamin.

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  • Thank you!

  • Hi, which brand vitamins did you use?

    • I used the "Vitamin World" brand.
  • Thanks for the info on the Collagen vitamin. I am going to look into it to see if I could benefit from it.
  • Pls, can u mention the Hyaluronic Acid vitamin's generic name ?

    • Hello Imadadul,

      Hyaluronic Acid does not have a generic name that I know of or can see on the bottle. Sorry... I will try my best to post pictures of the bottle this week sometime.

      Take care
      • Hello Susie

        It is interesting but we have to be shure if the Hyaluronic A. has helped by it self, since you combine it with Protopic and sun we are not certain which one helps or may be the combination.

        My Q is have you tried the Hyaluronic A. alone and see some result?


        • Hello Bamsegutt,

          Good question. I have not tried the Hyaluric Acid by itself...only in combination with the cream.

          Take care
          • I went to the health shop to purchase Hyaluronic acid, instead they reccomended I take Hydrolysed Collagen 1000mg. I have taken them for 2 days so far, they are difficult to take as they are enormous. I am also doing uvb light treatment. Will update with any results. My Daughter is 29 and has just developed Vitiligo, my son has had it since he was about 19, but it has not really progressed. My brother in law also has it but is not related to me.

  • Hi Suzie,


    I am really interested in trying the Hyaluronic Acid. How did you get a prescription for it? What changes have you seen since you posted this in July?




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