I have been told that Vitiligo is an autoimmune disease like hypothyroidism or diabetes. Can you please explain me what is the link between all autoimmune sicknesses?

I took all vitamins and minerals that my dermato suggested to take. I am doing sport to eliminate stress, I do not eat pork and I follow a diet free of fat including many fruit and vegetables BUT my viti is still increasing.

Dermatologist affirms that stress positive or negative can affect and increase viti..... and what else?

Thanks to inform me, give me tips.

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  • There is no success formula overall improvement in health , diet and lifestyle shall help. Had compiled sometime back those who had success in curing themselves...the list is vast i myself can't follow everything but at-least few..good luck!

    • Nj You are right There is no formula but it is ok to share what weexprience and what we feel it help us stablize our vitiligo...The best ting is to live healthy the way we we feel is right.

      The only known trigger is emotional stress.

      • YES Bamsegult you are right, I noticed that when I am on holidays I destress and my viti increases ... so stress positive or negative has an effect on viti. Have you been told about PABA tablets?

        • Thanks for remind me PABA tablet..I heard about it,I havnt heard some one get repig coz we haven`t try it. vit is lack of some acid which help the production of melanin...It is worth to try it .

          Milk Thistle and PABA tablet is are on my list...PAba it helps for many autoemune diseses even for repigmenting gray hair .

          • Yes right I saw that on internet and this has been confirmed by a "fitness" friend who also has viti on hands and face.... he ensured me that his viti stopped when he began to take PABA. I will also try to find it in Belgium because I do not dare to buy online....

            and regarding melagenina my "fitness friend" recovered better than other parts of his body... not sure it works for everybody otherwise we all go to Cuba to follow the treatment... lol

            • There are many ppl who has tried Malgenina plus doesn`t help much...don`t trust the advert.some ppl see few repig that is all.


              • dear Bamsegutt, thanks a lot for your reply. You are right, we should be cautious and believe in clinical trials not words without proof of evidence. Have a good day :)

  • Hi Fatime,

    there is a link between foods that are high in omega 6 fatty acids and vitiligo. They can induce oxidative stress, which is the mechanism that is causing us to lose our pigment. Omega 6 also helps to produce inflammatory hormones which though necessary for a lot of metabolic functions also exacerbates the autoimmune response. Omega 6 is found in most vegetable oils especially those derived from nuts (palm, soya, sunflower, peanut); turkey meat; fast foods and snacks etc. They are in a lot of processed foods.  My advice is to avoid omega 6 foods and increase omega 3 foods.

    Omega 3 fatty acids serve a similar purpose to omega 6 in the body, but they combat oxidative stress and produce anti-inflammatory hormones. The best dietary source of omega 3 is oily fish (salmon), whole grains, walnuts and garlic, as well as olive oil, and dark green vegetables.

    I hope this helps.

    • I find this interested because when I eat foods high in omega 3 I feel very sick. I avoid fish like salmon and stick to really light fish like talapia. Maybe there is some connection to a lack of omega 3.

      • Sorry that you don`t tolerate salmon fish can get Omega 3 from other source too farm egg if the hons eat flaxseed, or eat flaxseed , un cooked olive oil on top of any food salat, google all other O3 sources.

        It is very important adding O3 for overall health.

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