How much of monobenzene to use

Hi All, can any of you experienced in using monobenze guide me how much of quantity to use? I am begining the 20% with my arm, so how much would I need to take from the tube such that it works for the whole arm?




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  • it works thru the bloodstream after it builds up enuff in your system, so the more you use the better.  personally, i spread it on my legs every morning (that way my pants cover it and i dont get any on anything), some people spread it on their entire body,, some people once a day, some twice.


    good luck

    • Praise god! I am so happy for you. Thanks for posting the details back.
    • Thanks Remey!


      Do you use any specific mositurizer to the areas you put monobenzene on? Or should we not put any other creams on it and only use monobenzene? I was also looking for the recipe you had shared on your page - mixing monobenz with other things, but couldn't find it. Could you share that info again?

    • Thanks Marty!
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