How much B12 and Folic Acid is the right amount?

I've been taking B12 and Folic Acid, but I'm not sure how much of each I'm supposed to be taking. I've seen some people say 1,000 mcg of the B12, I've also read up to 2,500 mcg of the B12. I take one Folic Acid that's 800 mcg, should I be taking more? Thanks for your help.

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  • Hi Amanda,


    I'm on 400mcg of folic acid only. The B12 I'm getting from my general diet. I suspect the reason why nobody can be very specific about the amounts is because we still don't know what the underlying cause of the disease is and it probably varies from person to person. My advice is to start off with the minimum recommended daily amount for a regular diet which for folic acid is 400mcg and 2.4mcg for B12. Then wait to see if there is any improvement. I improved my diet first before adding supplements to it. I go into it in more depth in my blog. You might find it amusing if nothing else. Good luck.

  • Thanks everyone for your response. I still see a lot of different answers. I'm considering starting Ginko Biloba because I've seen people on the forums say it works for them. Thanks again.

  • Taking a sublingual form is always best because you need intrinsic factor to absorb b12 which is very hard. Sublingual allows delivery from right under the tongue.





  • Amanda


    This is a bit vague to know, it depends, however I am taking 1000mcg B12, 800mcg Foilc Acid and Ginkgo 60mcg for last two months after my vit started spreading at a quick pace. Now it looks stable.

    You can also consider Recouler, which has the combination of all the above plus Copper, Zinc and some additional minerals


    Best Regards


  • My son has been taking both of those for 2+ years at these dosages: 2500 b12  & 800 Folic Acid.  I did read somewhere that he could take 1600 folic acid split AM/PM, but since he also takes a multi vit I didn't add the extra folic acid in. In addition he takes Ginkgo Biloba and when he was at about 12 weeks with the G.B. we started seeing repigmentation fairly quickly. Good luck!

  • I asked a while ago what vitamins and what amount I should be taking and there really does not appear to be a proper concensus...quite frustrating.  I found an article regarding what vitamins I should be taking but the amounts are not specified. 
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