My daughter was diagnosed 2 weeks ago and I'm trying to learn as much as possible. I wonder how long does it take for new spots to appear as she was at camp when the spots she has showed up. Do they just appear or do you notice a faint light spot first and then it grows and turns completely white? Do you recommend purchasing a Wood's lamp? I welcome advice and information. I am one worried Mama.
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Yes it's light at the beginning, sort of reddish for my daughter, and its slowly turns white. The best advise is talk with your dermatologist before doing anything. I don't know how old is your daughter, but to me, with my kid I won't do anything without a doctor advise first. I saw 4 different derms before choosing the one I feel confident with.
Thanks, Annie! My daughter is 13 and we have seen 2 dermatologists. The first one did not have much of a bedside manner but the second one was very kind and I think her being a female doctor might have helped in our case. Do you have a lamp or do you go in to see the doctor every time a new spot appears? The treatment we have started seems to maybe be doing something as we noticed a few "dots" on the "spots" today. I will speak with our doctor about how quickly we should start treatment on the faint spots we see. I'd love to try and treat them before they get too far along.
Since we are living in California we are using the natural sun, 10 minutes in the morning, and same in late afternoon after we applied the Protopic and steroid creams. We are seeing the dermatologist every 4 or 6 weeks. Honestly we got results just after at least 2 months with the creams.
I'm sorry...I meant the "Wood's lamp" device that shows the spots but doesn't treat them. When I took my daughter in to the doctor, the doctor used this special lamp and it showed some spots that are not visible to us and some that are. It was like a black light. I wonder if you...or anyone else uses that lamp to show where the spots are that you can't see with the naked eye and when you find those faint spots if you are treating them before they become brighter? This may not make a bit of sense!